일리노이 대학교(B. A.)
클레어몬트 대학원대학교(M. A., Ph. D.)
마이애미 대학교 교수 역임
현재 클레어몬트 신학대학원 교수
Reading Prophetic Books: Form, Intertextuality, and
Reception in Prophetic and Post-biblical Literature
(Mohr Siebeck, 2014), Tanak: A Theological and
Critical Introduction to the Jewish Bible(Frotress, 2011),
Reading the Hebrew Bible after the Shoah: Engaging
Holocaust Theology(Fortress, 2008), I and II Kings:
A Commentary(Westminster John Knox, 2007), Form
and Intertextuality in Prophetic and Apocalyptic
Literature(Mohr Siebeck, 2005), King Josiah of Judah:
The Lost Messiah of Israel(Oxford University Press,
2001), Isaiah 1-39, with an Introduction to Prophetic
Literature(FOTL 16; Grand Rapids and Cambridge:
Eerdmans, 1996)