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이 분야에 14 개의 상품이 있습니다.

Comptia Security+ Study Guide: Exam Sy0-601 (Paperback, 8)

Chapple / Wiley

62,560원(35%할인 / 630원)

Comptia Security+ Practice Tests: Exam Sy0-601 (Paperback, 2)

David Seidl / Wiley

47,770원(35%할인 / 480원)

Privacy, Regulations, and Cybersecurity: The Essential Business Guide (Hardcover)

Chris Moschovitis / John Wiley & Sons Inc

51,180원(35%할인 / 520원)

Hunting Cyber Criminals: A Hacker's Guide to Online Intelligence Gathering Tools and Techniques (Paperback)

Vinny Troia / John Wiley & Sons Inc

45,500원(35%할인 / 460원)

Cybersecurity Essentials (Paperback)

Charles J. Brooks / John Wiley & Sons Inc

32,500원(50%할인 / 330원)

How to Cheat at Configuring Exchange Server 2007: Including Outlook Web, Mobile, and Voice Access (Paperback)

Henrik Walther / Syngress Media Inc

51,730원(30%할인 / 520원)

Fighting Phishing: Everything You Can Do to Fight Social Engineering and Phishing (Paperback)

로저 A. 그라임스 / Wiley

31,620원(35%할인 / 320원)

X86 Software Reverse-Engineering, Cracking, and Counter-Measures (Hardcover)

Stephanie Domas / Wiley

67,760원(35%할인 / 680원)

Cybersecurity First Principles: A Reboot of Strategy and Tactics (Paperback)

Rick Howard / Wiley

36,400원(35%할인 / 370원)

Cybersecurity All-In-One for Dummies (Paperback)

Joseph Steinberg / For Dummies

43,420원(50%할인 / 0원)

Blockchain Security from the Bottom Up: Securing and Preventing Attacks on Cryptocurrencies, Decentralized Applications, Nfts, and Smart Contracts (Paperback)

Howard E. Poston / Wiley

34,120원(35%할인 / 350원)

Hacking for Dummies (Paperback, 7)

Kevin Beaver / For Dummies

33,340원(40%할인 / 340원)

Ransomware Protection Playbook (Paperback)

Roger A. Grimes / John Wiley & Sons Inc

31,850원(35%할인 / 320원)

Ceh V11 Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide (Paperback, 2)

Ric Messier / John Wiley & Sons Inc

56,870원(35%할인 / 570원)